class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Annotations ### Mikhail Dozmorov ### Virginia Commonwealth University ### 03-01-2021 --- class: center, middle # Gene annotations --- ## Gene identifiers **Gene** - **Ensembl:** ENSG00000139618 - **Entrez Gene:** 675 - **Unigene:** Hs.34012 **RNA transcript** - **GenBank:** BC026160.1 - **RefSeq:** NM_000059 - **Ensembl:** ENST00000380152 --- ## ID cross-mapping - There are many IDs - Software tools recognize only a handful - Humans better recognize gene names --- ## ID challenges - Avoid errors: map IDs correctly - Beware of 1-to-many mappings - Gene name ambiguity – not a good ID - e.g. BMFS5, LFS1, TRP53, p53 - Better to use the standard gene symbol, not aliases: TP53 - Excel error-introduction - OCT4 is changed to October-4 (open file/paste as text) - Problems reaching 100% cross-mapping - E.g. due to version issues - Use multiple sources to increase coverage --- ## Reference Sequences (RefSeq) - Reference standard - Eukaryotes: genomic, transcript, protein sequences, derived from: - Computation - Manual curation of submitted data - Collaboration with other experts - 69,000 organisms - >7000 viruses, >40,000 prokaryotes, >10,000 eukaryotes .small[ O'Leary, Nuala A., Mathew W. Wright, J. Rodney Brister, Stacy Ciufo, Diana Haddad, Rich McVeigh, Bhanu Rajput et al. "[Reference sequence (RefSeq) database at NCBI: current status, taxonomic expansion, and functional annotation](" Nucleic acids research, (2016) ] --- ## RefSeq Accession Prefixes NM\_ = mRNA (experimentally supported) XM\_ = mRNA (predicted model) NP\_ = protein (experimentally supported) XP\_ = protein (predicted model) NC\_ = genomic/chromosome NG\_ = incomplete genomic assembly .small[ ] --- ## HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC) Gene Names This resource lists gene name synonyms, which is useful if you are conducting a comprehensive literature search and need to find articles about a gene that may have been called other names in the past. <center><img src="img/hgnc.png" height="300px" /></center> .small[ ] --- ## NCBI Gene <center><img src="img/ncbi_gene.png" height="450px" /></center> .small[ ] --- ## GeneCards <center><img src="img/genecards.png" height="450px" /></center> .small[ ] --- ## ID conversion helpers - `clusterProfiler::bitr()` function - Biological Id TranslatoR - `HGNChelper` R package to correct invalid Human/Mouse Gene Symbols - `annotables` R package by Stephen Turner, annotating/converting Gene IDs - `AnnotationDbi` R package for manipulation of SQLite-based annotations - `biomaRt` R package - Interface to BioMart databases (i.e. Ensembl) .small[ ] --- ## BiomaRt basics Biomart R package, `biomaRt`, workflow: - Discover and select an organism-specific mart and dataset - Select filters, which IDs to convert from - Select attributes, which IDs to convert to - Run the query - For genomic coordinates, use database that corresponds to genome assembly version you are interested in - Biomart has a web interface, operating on the same principles --- ## BiomaRt The `getBM()` function has three arguments that need to be introduced: **filters**, **attributes** and **values**. - **Filters** define a restriction on the query. Tell BiomaRt what kind of IDs do you have, so it will look for it. The `listFilters()` function shows you all available filters in the selected dataset - **Attributes** define the values we are interested in to retrieve. Which IDs associated with your IDs you want to get. The `listAttributes()` function displays all available attributes in the selected dataset - **Values** is a vector of IDs you want to convert --- class: middle, center # Annotation packages --- ## Annotation packages - _Bioconductor_ provides extensive access to 'annotation' resources, see the "AnnotationData" biocViews hierarchy. - `AnnotationDBI` - is a cornerstone of "AnnotationData" packages, provides user interface and database connection code for annotation data packages using SQLite data storage. .small[ ] --- ## Annotation packages - **org** packages (e.g., ``) contain maps between different gene identifiers, e.g., ENTREZ and SYMBOL. The basic interface to these packages is described on the help page `?select` - **TxDb** packages (e.g., `TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene`) contain gene models (exon coordinates, exon / transcript relationships, etc) derived from common sources such as the hg38 `knownGene` track of the UCSC genome browser. These packages can be queried, e.g., as described on the `?exonsBy` page to retrieve all exons grouped by gene or transcript. .small[ ] --- ## Annotation packages - **EnsDb** packages and databases (e.g. `EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86`) provide, similar to TxDb packages, gene models, but also protein annotations (protein sequences and protein domains within these) and additional annotation columns such as `"gene_biotype"` or `"tx_biotype"` defining the *biotype* of the features (e.g. lincRNA, protein_coding, miRNA etc). `EnsDb` databases are designed for Ensembl annotations and contain annotations for all genes (protein coding and non-coding) for a specific Ensembl release. - **BSgenome** packages (e.g., `BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19`) contain whole genomes of model organisms. See `available.genomes()` for pre-packaged genomes. .small[ ] --- ## Annotation methods - Annotation packages usually contain an object named after the package itself. These objects are collectively called `AnnotationDb` objects with more specific classes named `OrgDb`, `ChipDb` or `TranscriptDb` objects. - Methods that can be applied to these objects include `cols()`, `keys()`, `keytypes()` and `select()`. --- ## Annotation methods | Category | Function | Description | |------------|---------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------| | Discover | `columns()` | List the kinds of columns that can be returned | | | `keytypes()` | List columns that can be used as keys | | | `keys()` | List values that can be expected for a given keytype | | | `select()` | Retrieve annotations matching `keys`, `keytype` and `columns` | --- ## Annotation methods | Category | Function | Description | |------------|---------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------| | Manipulate | `setdiff()`, `union()`, `intersect()` | Operations on sets | | | `duplicated()`, `unique()` | Mark or remove duplicates | | | `%in%`, `match()` | Find matches | | | `any()`, `all()` | Are any `TRUE`? Are all? | | | `merge()` | Combine two different data.frames based on shared keys | --- ## Annotation methods | Category | Function | Description | |------------|---------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------| | GRanges* | `transcripts()`, `exons()`, `cds()` | Features (transcripts, exons, coding sequence) as `GRanges`. | | | `transcriptsBy()` , `exonsBy()` | Features group by gene, transcript, etc., as `GRangesList`. | | | `cdsBy()` | | --- ## KEGG - KEGG: Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes - KEGG API R package, `KEGGREST` - Essential operations outlined in the vignette .small[ ] --- ## AnnotationHub - `AnnotationHub` package - curated database of large-scale whole-genome resources, e.g., regulatory elements from the Roadmap Epigenomics project, Ensembl GTF and FASTA files for model and other organisms. Examples of use include: - Easily access and import Roadmap Epigenomics files. - `liftOver` genomic range-based annotations from one coordinate system (e.g, `hg19`) to another (e.g., `GRCh38`). - Create `TranscriptDb` and `BSgenome`-style annotation resources 'on the fly' for a diverse set of organisms. - Programmatically access the genomic coordiantes of clinically relevant variants cataloged in dbSNP. - Related packages: `ExperimentHub` - curated data sets .small[ ]