class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Working with text in Linux ### Mikhail Dozmorov ### Virginia Commonwealth University ### 02-03-2021 --- ## Text format - The most cross-platform format to share data - Typically, data is stored as field-delimited columns (think Excel). Delimiter may be tab character (".tsv" or ".txt" file extension), of comma (comma-separated values, ".csv") - Disadvantage - can be large - Solution - compression (**gzip**ping), with tools to manipulate compressed files without uncompressing --- ## Windows file compatability - Saving files in Windows and then trying to process them on Unix may cause issues - A common type of error comes from control characters, commonly seen as end of line characters in Windows. - To run script successfully, we need to remove these characters either by hand using `vim` or `emacs` to edit the file, or by running `dos2unix` - `unix2dos` command also exists --- ## String manipulation - **RegEx** - is a language for describing patterns in strings - **grep** - finds lines containing a pattern, and outputs them - **sed** - (stream editor) applies transformation rules to each line of text based on a pattern - **awk** - powerful text processing language --- ## Regular expressions - everywhere <center><img src="img/regexp1.png" height="500px" /></center> <div style="font-size: small;"> --- ## Regular expressions | Expression | Description | |:----------:|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [] | Matches a set. [abc] matches a, b, or c. [a-zA-Z] matches any letter. [0-9] matches any number. “^” negates a set, [^abc] matches d, e, f, etc. | | ^ | Starting position anchor. ^abc finds lines starting with abc | | \$ | Ending position anchor. xyz\$ finds lines ending with xyz | | \\ | Escape symbol, to find special characters. \\\* will find \*. \\n matches new line character, \\t – tab character | | \* | Match the preceding element zero or more times. a\*b matches ab, aab, aaab, etc. | --- ## Extended regular expressions | Expression | Description | |:----------:|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ? | Matches the preceding element zero or one time. a*b matches b, ab, but not aab | | + | Matches the preceding element one or more times. a+b matches ab, aab, etc. | | | | OR operator. “abc|def” matches abc or def | --- ## The `grep` command - Find lines in an input file or stream that match a specific pattern you are looking for ``` grep "chrX" regions.bed | head chrX 41190000 41195000 chrX 154020000 154025000 chrX 81355000 81360000 chrX 80805000 80810000 chrX 88340000 88345000 chrX 58420000 58425000 chrX 98615000 98620000 chrX 62330000 62335000 chrX 153335000 153340000 chrX 30660000 30665000 ``` - Result: Only lines that contain the text "chrX" (case-sensitive) anywhere in the line will be returned. --- ## `grep` usage Basic syntax: `grep "pattern" <filename>`, e.g., `cat | grep "use"` `ls | grep "^[w|b]"` - lists files/directorys starting with ”w” or ”b” Use `--color` argument to highlight matched patterns --- ## Fine-tuning your grep **-v** - inverts the match (lines that _do not_ contain pattern) **-i** - matches case insensitively **-H** - prints the matched filename **-n** - prints the line number **-f <filename>** - gets patterns from a file, each pattern on a new line **-w** - forces the pattern to match an _entire word_ (e.g., "chr1" but not "chr11") **-x** - forces patterns to match the whole line Escape special characters, e.g., `grep \"gene\"` --- ## sed - **s**tream **ed**itor Most common usage – substitute a pattern with replacement. Basic syntax: `sed 's/pattern/replacement/'` `echo "The Internet is made of dogs" | sed 's/dogs/cats/'` - replaces "dogs" with "cats", so the final output is "The Internet is made of cats" `echo "dogs, dogs, dogs" | sed 's/dogs/cats/g'` - global substitution with "g" modifier. The final output is "cats, cats, cats" --- ## sed - **s**tream **ed**itor Special characters – escape with "\\" `echo "1*2*3" | sed 's/\*/-/g’` - outputs "1-2-3" Regular expressions – use as in grep, with "-E" argument for extended regex `echo "tic-tac-toe" | sed 's/[ia]/o/g' | sed 's/e$/c/'` - outputs "toc-toc-toc" Delete line(s) – `sed 'X[,Y]d'` deletes line X through Y `cat <filename> | sed '1d'` - deletes first line (e.g., header) `cat <filename> | sed '10,37d'` - deletes lines from 10 through 37 --- ## awk A more traditional programming language for text processing than sed. Awk stands for the names of its authors “Alfred **A**ho, Peter **W**einberger, and Brian **K**ernighan” - Each column is referred to by number, e.g. `$1` for the first column - `$0` is referred to the whole line - Note "column" is defined as a non-contigious text. So, space- and tab-separated words are equivalent for awk - Use `-F "\t"` to override field separator, use `OFS="\t"` to override spaces to tabs as an output field separator - `awk` process each row, and operates on column values - Commands are wrapped in single quotes - `man awk` for more --- ## Conditional output with awk - Only report annotations in `cpg.bed` that are for chromosome 1 ``` awk '$1 == "chr1"' cpg.bed # Equivalently cat cpg.bed | awk '$1 == "chr1"' ``` - Only report annotations in `cpg.bed` where the end coordinate is less than the start coordinate. ``` awk '$3 < $2' cpg.bed ``` --- ## Special variables - The **NR** (number of records) variable - Example: Report the 100th line in the file ``` awk 'NR == 100' cpg.bed ``` - The **NF** (number of fields) variable - Example: Report the number of tab-separated columns in the first 10 lines of `cpg.bed` ``` awk -F "\t" '{print NF}' cpg.bed | head ``` --- ## Impose multiple filtering criteria with the AND ("&&") operator - Report the 100th through the 200th lines in the file ``` awk 'NR>=100 && NR <= 200' cpg.bed ``` - Report lines if they are the 100th through the 200th lines in the file OR (||) they are from chr22 ``` awk '(NR>=100 && NR <= 200) || $1 == "chr22"' cpg.bed ``` --- ## Computations in awk - Print the BED record followed by the length (end - start) of the record - `$0` refers to the entire input line - If using a `print` statement, you must add curly brackets between the single quotes describing the program. - Example: Prints first 3 columns, the 2nd numerical column is increased by 100, the 3rd is decreased by 100 ``` awk '{print $1, $2+100, $3-100}' cpg.bed ``` --- ## By default, output is separated by a space. Prefer tabs - **BEGIN**: before anything else happens, execute what is in the `BEGIN` statement. Then start processing the input. - Print the BED record followed by the length (end - start) of the record. Separated by a TAB, the OFS (output field separator) ``` awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"}{print $0, $3-$2}' cpg.bed # or awk '{len=($3-$2); print $0"\t"len}' cpg.bed ``` --- ## `bioawk` - awk modified for biological data - Bioawk is an extension to Brian Kernighan's awk, adding the support of several common biological data formats, including optionally gzip'ed BED, GFF, SAM, VCF, FASTA/Q and TAB-delimited formats with column names - It also adds a few built-in functions and an command line option to use TAB as the input/output delimiter. - When the new functionality is not used, bioawk is intended to behave exactly the same as the original BWK awk. <div style="font-size: small;"> --- ## Command-line text editor - `nano` - simple editor - `vim` - Created by Bill Joy, 1976. Advantages: Supremely intuitive once basics are learned - `emacs` - Created by Richard Stallman, 1976. Advantages: Unparalleled power and configuration <center><img src="img/vim_emacs.png" height="370px" /></center> --- ## vim basics Start vim on a file: `vim <filename>` Keyboard shortcuts for two modes: - `i` - editor mode, to type - `Esc` - command mode. Press “:” and enter a command Important keyboard shortcuts: - `:w` - write changes - `:wq` - write changes and quit - `:q!` - force quit and ignore changes --- ## Basic vim commands **k, j, l, h, or arrows** - navigation **v** - (visually) select characters **V (shift-v)** - (visually) select whole lines **d** - cut (delete) into clipboard **dd** - cut the whole line **y** - copy (yank) into clipboard **P (shift-p)** - paste from clipboard **u** - undo --- ## Find and replace in vim In command mode: - `/pattern` - search for pattern, “n” – next instance - `:s/pattern/replacement/g` - search and replace `:help tutor` - learn more vim --- ## References - Regular expression, Unix commands, Python quick reference, SQL reference card.